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大赛 | 2022年德国iF设计大奖开始报名啦!(截至2021.11.19)


iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 – the international label for outstanding design

Every year, the iF DESIGN AWARD identifies outstanding design, its relevance for business and everyday life and awards one of the most important seals of quality in the world. Organized from Germany since 1953, the iF label is a reliable sign of good design for consumers as well as the design community.

Designers, manufacturers, architects and interior designers who want their products or projects evaluated by internationally recognized design experts have been turning to the iF DESIGN AWARD for decades. They do so to prove that their company puts design in the focus of its business and to attract international attention. Winning an iF DESIGN AWARD will help you stand out from the competition, elevate your branding and reach new target groups.

Find out more about how you can benefit and about this year’s improvements below.






Detailed iF jury feedback chart for each awarded entry

Winners will receive a detailed iF jury feedback chart for each awarded entry. It will include the newly developed criteria scorecard with scores for the individual criteria. Winners will be able to compare their result with others to see where they stand in the field of all competitors. The iF jury feedback chart will give the participants more insights into the reason for the decision of the jurors and will include helpful data on trends and observations iF collected during the jury process.


参赛类别产品设计 \包装设计\传达设计\室内设计\专业概念\服务设计\建筑设计\用户体验设计(UX)\用户界面设计(UI)


获奖者服务iF 设计奖标志只要您的获奖产品仍在市场上贩卖,便可持续使用全球认可的 iF 设计奖标志

iF 证书获奖者将取得不同材质的证书,作为卓越设计获奖证明。

iF 世界设计指南身为获奖者,您的公司与获奖作品将可在线上最大设计展览「iF 世界设计指南」中无限期展示。

iF 设计之夜一场光鲜亮丽的颁奖典礼 - 您将与来自 40 个国家、超过 2,000名贵宾共同参与此国际交流盛会暨盛大的设计派对。

iF design app您的获奖作品包括作品介绍、图片与影片,将于 iF design app 完整展示。新闻与公关宣传我们完整的国际公关宣传活动,将使您成为媒体焦点。
